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What are brand videos? And why your business should produce one.
February 27, 2024

What are brand videos? And why your business should produce one.

Title image of candy artisan for Profile Video Blog

Brand videos, also know as brand stories or profile videos, weave interviews, archival footage and testimonials with emotive music to create a mini documentary about your organisation. There is a cinematic quality to a brand video and at the heart of it is the team, the artisan, the CEO, the founder of the business.

Brand videos are an opportunity to put a face to your business while establishing trust and authenticity. With the right mix of interviews, music, archival photos and live footage, your clients get to see all the work and passion that goes into doing what you do and as such, it begins to foster an emotional connection with them.

Brand story videos are produced for any organisation, whatever size, from independent business owners and sole traders, such as artisans, fashion designers and freelance professionals to global brands. These style of videos can be about the one person or about a team of people. Basically, anybody who has a personal stake in what they do will benefit from a brand video.

You can publish these on your website to replace all that text in the About Us page. They can be short enough to be shared on Instagram while longer versions can be published on Facebook or YouTube. Brand videos do not have to be cinematic, nor do they have to be intricately constructed. The key to a great profile video is bringing out the passion of the person/people behind the brand story.
